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The third meeting of the expert group on Cherkasy Region Development Strategy for the period of 2021-2027

The third meeting of the expert group on Cherkasy Region Development Strategy for the period of 2021-2027

Work on Cherkasy Region Development Strategy for the period of 2021-2027 is going on. During the meeting which took place on November 29, 2019, the expert group discussed key elements of the Strategy: SWOT-analysis, SWOT-matrix, strategic vision, strategic and operational goals. The meeting was organized by Cherkasy Regional Development Agency together with the Department of Regional Development of Cherkasy Regional State Administration and Cherkasy Local Governance Development Center.

At the meeting, Roman Bodnar, Head of Cherkasy Regional State Administration shared his views on the mechanism of the Regional Development Strategy formation on the basis of important tools and principles. He noted that by developing the Strategy for several years ahead, we form the so-called mission, strategic goals. And it should be done taking into account modern developments in management.

The representatives of the expert group worked in three stages: they discussed SWOT-analysis, SWOT-matrix, strategic vision of regional development, considered the possible options for strategic and operational goals.

According to the results of the meeting, the aim for the current week is to start the process of collecting project ideas to the Strategy Implementation Plan for three years.

Liubov Ropalo, Head of Cherkasy Regional Development Agency, noted that, when forming the goals and objectives of the Strategy, it is necessary to understand which project ideas will be implemented. After all, strategy is static, and its Implementation Plan is dynamic and consists of particular steps.

Further steps in Strategy development are:
▶ ️ formation of the ultimate draft of strategic, operational goals and objectives;
▶ collecting project ideas to the Strategy Implementation Plan for 2021-2023 and selection of the most suitable ones;
▶ ️ carrying out a strategic environmental assessment of the Strategy and its Implementation Plan.

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